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1. 海洋与冰川的相互作用,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)(2023-2025)主持

2. 冰冻圈表层关键过程监测,国家科技部重点研发计划项目子课题(2021.12-2025.11)主持

3. 上海市海外高层次人才计划项目 (2022.3-2027.3) 主持

4. 美国航天航空局(NASA)Oceans Melting Greenland项目,参与机载重力数据和船载海洋深度观测工作(2015-2020),已结题

5. 美国 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation 项目,High-Resolution Airborne Gravity-Radar Observations of Glaciers in Patagonia and West Greenland, 参与关于格陵兰岛冰川的工作(2012-2017),已结题


期刊审稿: IPCC AR6, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, The Cryosphere, Climate Dynamics, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing等

学术委员:APECS China 理事,SCAR(南极研究科学委员会)成员,JCIOI(冰海相互作用联合委员会)成员








1. Li R., Y. Cheng*, T. Chang, D.E. Gwyther, M. Forbes, L. An*, M. Xia, X. Yuan, G. Qiao, X. Tong, W. Ye, Satellite record reveals 1960s acceleration of Totten Ice Shelf in East Antarctica, Nat. Commun., 14(4061), 2023. [link]

2. 李荣兴,夏梦莲,谢欢,郝彤,乔刚,刘世杰,冯甜甜,田一翔,安璐*,童小华,赵爱国,李洪伟,王晓峰,骆舒蕾,常甜,崔浩田,李国君,南极冰盖变化的卫星遥感监测现状与发展趋势球物理学报, 66(8), 2023. [link]

3. Ciracì, E., E. Rignot, B. Scheuchl, V. Tolpekin, M. Wollersheim, L. An, P. Milillo, J.Bello, P. Rizzoli, L. Dini, Melt rates in the kilometer-size grounding zone of Petermann Glacier, Greenland, before and during a retreat, Proc. National Aca. Sci., 120(20), 2023. [link]

4. Song, L., R. Wu, W. Chen, X. Li, X. Lan, L. An, J. Zhu, Intraseasonal sea ice concentration variability over the Weddell Sea during austral autumn, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50(9), 2023. [link]

5. Tian, Y., M. Xia, L. An*, M. Scaioni, R. Li*, Innovative Method of Combing Multidecade Remote Sensing Data for Detecting Precollapse Elevation Changes of Glaciers in the Larsen B Region, AntarcticaIEEE JSTARS, 15, 2022. [link]

6. Rignot, E., L. An, N. Chauche, M. Morlighem, S. Jeong, M. Wood, J. Mouginot, J. K. Willis, I. Klaucke, W. Weinrebe, A. Muenchow, Retreat of Humboldt Gletscher, North Greenland, driven by undercutting from a warmer ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48(6), 2021. [link]

7. An, L., E. Rignot*, M. Wood, J.K. Willis and J. Mouginot, The tale of two ice shelves: Zachariae Isstrøm and Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden, Northeast Greenland, Proc. National Aca. Sci., 118(2), 2021. [link]

8. An, L.*, E. Rignot, N. Chauche, D.M. Holland, D. Holland, M. Jakobsson, E. Kane, M. Wood, I. Klaucke, R. Weinrebe, M. Morlighem, I. Velicogna, W. Weinrebe, and J.K. Wills, Bathymetry of Southeast Greenland from Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(20), 2019. [link]

9. An, L.*, E. Rignot, R. Milan, K. Tinto and J.K. Wills, Bathymetry of Northwest Greenland using "Ocean Melting Greenland" (OMG) high-resolution airborne gravity and other data, Remote Sens., 11(2), 2019. [link]

10. An, L.*, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot and R. Milan, A century of stability of Avannarleq and Kujalleq glaciers, West Greenland, explained using high-resolution airborne gravity and other data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45(7), 2018. [link]

11. An, L.*, E. Rignot, S. Elieff, M. Morlighem, R. Milan, J. Mouginot, D.M. Holland, D. Holland and J. Paden, Bed elevation of Jakobshavn Isbræ, West Greenland, from high-resolution airborne gravity and other data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44(8), 2017. [link]

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