
陆平,bat365在线平台副研究员,博士生导师,欧盟玛丽居里资助计划获得者,毕业于意大利佛罗伦萨大学地球科学专业,博士。主要研究方向为灾害遥感与全球变化,包括西部山区大型滑坡多源传感器网络立体观测与预警、地质灾害隐患遥感智能感知、青藏高原多年冻土环境遥感监测与活动层厚度反演。主持国家自然科学基金青年/面上项目3项、国家重点研发计划重点专项/973计划二级课题2项。发表中英文学术论文80余篇,包括SCI期刊论文50余篇,ESI高被引论文2篇,被引用2100余次。获得上海市自然科学奖一等奖(排名31项。现任国际滑坡学会(ICL)代表委员会委员、国际地质灾害与减灾协会教席副主席,《Geoenvironmental Disasters》编委。




2016.1-至今           bat365官网登录 bat365官网登录  副研究员

2012.7-2015.12      bat365官网登录 bat365官网登录  讲师

2007.9-2011.9       意大利佛罗伦萨大学 地球科学  博士

2004.9-2007.9      比利时鲁汶大学 对地观测  硕士

2000.9-2004.6      南开大学 环境科学  本科




  • 基于精密空间对地观测技术的山地城市多灾害防控与韧性提升方法研究,高峰团队建设项目

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  • 基于马尔科夫随机场的滑坡编目自动绘制方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目

  • 冰冻圈关键参数多尺度观测与数据产品研制,国家重点研发计划重点专项二级课题

  • 基于多源传感器网络观测的滑坡灾害预测模型研究,中央高校基本科研业务项目

  • 滑坡体结构动态探测及前兆获取方法研究,973计划重点专项二级课题

  • 基于无人机的滑坡灾害快速调查方法研究,bat365官网登录优秀青年教师计划

  • 滑坡灾害快速调查技术与验证,中央高校基本科研业务项目

  • 面向对象的滑坡编目快速绘制方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目


Liu, Q., Niu, J., Lu, P.*, Dong, F., Zhou, F., Meng, X., Xu, W., Li, S. and Hu, B.X., 2022. Interannual and seasonal variations of permafrost thaw depth on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau: A comparative study using long short-term memory, convolutional neural networks, and random forest. Science of The Total Environment, p.155886.

Festa, D., Bonano, M., Casagli, N., Confuorto, P., De Luca, C., Del Soldato, M., Lanari, R., Lu, P., Manunta, M., Manzo, M. and Onorato, G., 2022. Nation-wide mapping and classification of ground deformation phenomena through the spatial clustering of P-SBAS InSAR measurements: Italy case study. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 189, pp.1-22.

Lu, P., Shi, W. and Li, Z., 2022. Landslide mapping from PlanetScope images using improved region-based level set evolution. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, pp.1-5.

Li, R., Li, Z., Han, J., Lu, P., Qiao, G., Meng, X., Hao, T. and Zhou, F., 2021. Monitoring surface deformation of permafrost in Wudaoliang Region, Qinghai–Tibet Plateau with ENVISAT ASAR data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 104, p.102527.

Zhang, C., Wang, Q., Lu, P., Ge, Y. and Atkinson, P.M., 2021. Fast and Slow Changes Constrained Spatio-Temporal Subpixel Mapping. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, pp.1-16.

Shi, W. and Lu, P.*, 2021. Intelligent perception of coseismic landslide migration areas along Sichuan–Tibet railway. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, pp.8876-8883.

Lu, P., Shi, W., Wang, Q., Li, Z., Qin, Y. and Fan, X., 2021. Co-seismic landslide mapping using Sentinel-2 10-m fused NIR narrow, red-edge, and SWIR bands. Landslides, 18(6), pp.2017-2037.

Bai, S. and Lu, P.*, 2021. Modern reactivations of a thick colluvial landslide reconstructed from dendrochronology: the example of the Xiakou landslide, China. Land Degradation & Development, 32(7), pp.2271-2286.

Lu, P., Han, J., Li, Z., Xu, R., Li, R., Hao, T. and Qiao, G., 2020. Lake outburst accelerated permafrost degradation on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Remote Sensing of Environment, 249, p.112011.

Lu, P., Han, J., Hao, T., Li, R. and Qiao, G., 2020. Seasonal deformation of permafrost in Wudaoliang basin in Qinghai-Tibet plateau revealed by StaMPS-InSAR. Marine Geodesy, 43(3), pp.248-268.

Bai, S., Lu, P.* and Thiebes, B., 2020. Comparing characteristics of rainfall-and earthquake-triggered landslides in the Upper Minjiang catchment, China. Engineering Geology, 268, p.105518.

Lu, P., Bai, S., Tofani, V. and Casagli, N., 2019. Landslides detection through optimized hot spot analysis on persistent scatterers and distributed scatterers. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 156, pp.147-159.

Lu, P., Qin, Y., Li, Z., Mondini, A.C. and Casagli, N., 2019. Landslide mapping from multi-sensor data through improved change detection-based Markov random field. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231, p.111235.

Haque, U., Da Silva, P.F., Devoli, G., Pilz, J., Zhao, B., Khaloua, A., Wilopo, W., Andersen, P., Lu, P., Lee, J. and Yamamoto, T., 2019. The human cost of global warming: Deadly landslides and their triggers (1995–2014). Science of the Total Environment, 682, pp.673-684.

Intrieri, E., Raspini, F., Fumagalli, A., Lu, P., Del Conte, S., Farina, P., Allievi, J., Ferretti, A. and Casagli, N., 2018. The Maoxian landslide as seen from space: detecting precursors of failure with Sentinel-1 data. Landslides, 15(1), pp.123-133.

Li, Z., Shi, W., Lu, P., Yan, L., Wang, Q. and Miao, Z., 2016. Landslide mapping from aerial photographs using change detection-based Markov random field. Remote sensing of environment, 187, pp.76-90.

Li, Z., Shi, W., Myint, S.W., Lu, P. and Wang, Q., 2016. Semi-automated landslide inventory mapping from bitemporal aerial photographs using change detection and level set method. Remote Sensing of Environment, 175, pp.215-230.

Bai, S., Lu, P.* and Wang, J., 2016. Recent channel changes of the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze river: an investigation from multi-temporal digital elevation models. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 20(1), pp.43-49.

Liu, C., Hu, M., Lu, P.*, Li, W., Scaioni, M., Wu, H., Huang, Y. and Ye, B., 2016. Assessment of regional shallow landslide stability based on airborne laser scanning data in the Yingxiu area of Sichuan Province (China). European Journal of Remote Sensing, 49(1), pp.835-860.

Lu, P., Bai, S. and Casagli, N., 2015. Spatial relationships between landslide occurrences and land cover across the Arno river basin (Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(7), pp.5541-5555.

Lu, P., Wu, H., Qiao, G., Li, W., Scaioni, M., Feng, T., Liu, S., Chen, W., Li, N., Liu, C. and Tong, X., 2015. Model test study on monitoring dynamic process of slope failure through spatial sensor network. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(4), pp.3315-3332.

Bai, S.B., Lu, P.* and Wang, J., 2015. Landslide susceptibility assessment of the Youfang catchment using logistic regression. Journal of Mountain Science, 12(4), pp.816-827.

Lu, P.*, Catani, F., Tofani, V. and Casagli, N., 2014. Quantitative hazard and risk assessment for slow-moving landslides from Persistent Scatterer Interferometry. Landslides, 11(4), pp.685-696.

Lu, P., Bai, S. and Casagli, N., 2014. Investigating spatial patterns of persistent scatterer interferometry point targets and landslide occurrences in the Arno River Basin. Remote Sensing, 6(8), pp.6817-6843.

Scaioni, M., Lu, P.*, Feng, T., Chen, W., Qiao, G., Wu, H., Tong, X., Wang, W. and Li, R., 2013. Analysis of spatial sensor network observations during landslide simulation experiments. European journal of environmental and civil engineering, 17(9), pp.802-825.

Qiao, G., Lu, P.*, Scaioni, M., Xu, S., Tong, X., Feng, T., Wu, H., Chen, W., Tian, Y., Wang, W. and Li, R., 2013. Landslide investigation with remote sensing and sensor network: From susceptibility mapping and scaled-down simulation towards in situ sensor network design. Remote Sensing, 5(9), pp.4319-4346.

Lu, P.*, Casagli, N., Catani, F. and Tofani, V., 2012. Persistent Scatterers Interferometry Hotspot and Cluster Analysis (PSI-HCA) for detection of extremely slow-moving landslides. International journal of remote sensing, 33(2), pp.466-489.

Lu, P.*, Stumpf, A., Kerle, N. and Casagli, N., 2011. Object-oriented change detection for landslide rapid mapping. IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters, 8(4), pp.701-705.

Lu, P.*, Casagli, N. and Catani, F., 2010. PSI-HSR: a new approach for representing Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) point targets using the hue and saturation scale. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(8), pp.2189-2196.
